Saturday, October 3, 2009

We're Expanding

I'm sorry I've been a bad blogger. I told you in my last post that we're expanding the house and that's why I've been so bad lately. Well we are but it is a small addition, only 2 feet.

The addition won't be complete until May but of course I hope to be back to my old self and posting again in only a couple more weeks. Until then please hang in there with me.


  1. Hi, Amanda! I feel the same way. When life gets too busy, I seem to neglect my blog and other computer communications. I spend so much time on this thing doing my "real" work, I sometimes lose the desire to spend more time, plunking away on the keyboard. I'm going to try to get my work all done early today so I can do some catching up this evening. Good luck on your expansion project. Sounds exciting! - Keri -

  2. Congratulations! Home expansion does take a lot of energy! ;)

  3. good luck on the baby!!

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