"From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!" ~Dr. SeussWe celebrated the birthday of Dr. Seuss yesterday and had a wonderful time. I wish I had planned ahead because there are so many great things that we didn't get a chance to do because I had forgotten about the day until we watched The Cat in the Hat on PBS yesterday morning. We still managed to throw together a little birthday tribute though.
We gathered up our favorite Dr. Seuss books to read and realized that we need to start adding to our Seuss collection. I need to wishlist some more books on paperbackswap soon. But we still have a pretty good collection.
We snooped through our 4th of July box and gathered up some red and blue party supplies (Kinsley has been obsessed with party decorations ever since her birhtday) and decorated for a Seusstastic dinner. I pushed for green eggs and ham but Kinsley refused. She said she could not eat green eggs. I tried to explain the similarity of her stance to that of the book but she didn't waver. So we settled for hot dogs, lol.

We printed off some coloring pages, activities and decorations from pbskids to fill up our morning after decorating. These little figures were meant to be used as finger puppets but we decided they'd make great table decorations. And we finally found a new use for those empty formula cans...a Cat in the Hat hat. We made it from wrapping white paper and red tissue paper (we used all our red paper at Valentine's Day) around the can and taping it down. Super easy but very cute.
And of course I had to take some pictures of my very own Thing 1 and Thing 2. We just printed out labels and stuck them to their shirts since we were short on time but they worked fine until Kaitlyn discovered them and ripped them to shreds. It was still a nice addition to our celebration. Next year I will plan ahead and we will add some new activities and crafts, and we WILL have green eggs and ham.
The celebration came just in time since it was also Kaitlyn's 9 month birthday. Another month closer to her being an entire year old. I should be in party planning mode but I'm refusing to admit that it is almost here. She has gotten so big and so smart and I can hardly stand it. She has her two bottom teeth now and she's cutting 4 of her top ones at one time. Needless to say she is pretty miserable but still really loves playing outside. We are so glad the weather is starting to warm up, we were all suffering from cabin fever. Loves to play with (and scream at) her big sister. She waves bye bye, and is adding a few new words to her vocabulary: mama, dada, bye, hi and no. She still isn't crawling but does pull herself around the house by her hands. It's pretty hilarious to watch, sort of a spin off of an Army crawl. Silly girl.