We were watching the rain out Kinsley's bedroom window and lamenting over the fact that we had just replanted the back half of our garden a couple days prior to the massive rain and storms. Replanted because after we planted the garden originally it poured rain and washed away our seeds in the back half. Are you noticing the same pattern I am?
I was feeling very frustrated over our garden problems, and then the actual storms hit. The devastation caused by the tornadoes that passed through our part of the country is truly heartbreaking. So many people lost everything and are forced to start building their lives over again and some weren't that lucky. I think many of us have been doing some soul searching since those storms have hit, I know I certainly have. The stories of loss and devastation that have emerged since have certainly made me hold my loves a little closer and appreciate how fortunate we are just a bit more. It's the stories of hope and of neighbors far and wide reaching out to lift each other up have truly touched my heart. It is so inpiring to see people, many who have lost so much themselves, doing what they can to make a difference for someone else. It's truly heart warming. So we will replant, and not with resentment but with appreciation.