This week our lessons and activities have centered around the weather. With Spring on its way in we're also entering tornado season around here so I thought it would be the perfect time to really get to know our weather and what causes it. Especially with two littles that aren't quite over their weather related fears. We chose a few topics that are of particular interest to the girls and categorized our activities. We chose thunder, lightning, rain, clouds, and tornadoes. This morning we made rain in a jar to match the rain falling outside our window.

Glass Jar
Hot Water
Ice cubes

Heat your water until it is almost boiling and pour into your glass jar.

Quickly cover your jar with your plate and then place the ice cubes on top. Keeping a towel handy to clean up the mess when they knock the jar of water over. The voice of experience speaking there.

Watch what happens as it begins to rain inside your jar! The warm moist air from the water rises and mixes with the cool air created by the ice cubes causing condensation and then the rain.
The girls loved this activity and Kait was actually the most entertained. She loves to play with ice so this shouldn't have surprised me.

She kept sneaking the ice cubes off the plate and then she started her own ice experiment.

We have lots more in store for our weather week and lots more "rain" activities. If you're looking for some weather related idea and information check out
Weather Wiz Kids, they have compiled an amazing amount of weather related info. We printed most of our worksheets and info from them.