I just love Saturdays don't you? It is my absolute favorite day of the week. The hustle and bustle of the week is behind us and we are all home together as a family. There are no schedules, meetings, errands to run just a full day of open possibilities. We could go anywhere...to the local farmer's market, the zoo or the park. Or we could do as we are doing today and simply spending the day hanging out near to home doing whatever strikes our fancy at any particular moment. I love lazy days like this where we just take a step back and relax. In fact the little girl and I haven't even gotten out of our pajamas today and I'm not entirely sure that we will.
Don't get me wrong we aren't just sitting on the couch staring at the walls. There is still plenty going on around here, there always is. The big girl and hubby have already been out riding the four wheeler and running around. There has been a Royal Ball with barbies in princess costumes and rumors of the sprinkler coming out are running wild.
I have been cuddling with the little girl and we've actually been napping as well. In fact at this very moment I am the only one in the house awake, and its blissful. I'm thinking of the many things I'd like to tackle today while I have a chance. I want very much to get into our storage building and search for some missing craft supplies that would be perfect for a new idea I've dreamed up, there is the cake waiting to be made for the Nana's birthday which is tomorrow and I am plotting a trip to the lake with a homemade picnic dinner this evening. The main thing drawing my attention (and making me want to actually get out from under my cozy blanket on the couch) are these little crocheted flowers waiting to move on to their next phase in life.

They are just sitting on the kitchen table calling to me, wanting to be put onto a hat, or a headband or a hair clip...something. I just adore these little flowers and the fact that I can make absolutely any color combination I want. The big girl is wanting to put them onto everything she owns so I will likely make her a few more small ones and put pin backs on them so she can do just that. See that fuzzy one on the lower left of the picture? That's my favorite. It's so soft and sweet and I actually have the very thing to put it on sitting right here next to me. But you'll have to wait until Monday to see it. I'm so mean aren't I? I promise it's worth the wait though.
So what are you doing (or not doing) on this lovely Saturday? No matter what it is I hope you have a great weekend and I will see you all next week.