We finally made it out to the Oklahoma Aquarium on Friday and we all had a blast. We hadn't been since Kinsley was barely walking so it was about time to visit again. Both girls had an absolute blast looking at every single fish in the entire building. I was surprised at how enthusiastic Kaitlyn was about the whole thing. She adored the tropical fish and would protest every time we left a tank until she saw the next one, the yelled "WOW" every time.
The touching tanks were a big hit although Kinsley was a bit apprehensive at first. Once she saw the other kids doing it she warmed up, a little.
Then she got to feed kelp to the turtles.
"IT'S NEMO!!!" Obviously this tank was a favorite with every kid that I saw, mine included. We've been watching Nemo all week so this was perfect and of course great planning on the aquarium's part. The tropical tanks were beautiful and Kaitlyn's very favorite (and mine too). They also have several exibits that are designed to be like the "local habitats" and they had HUGE catfish. Kinsley could barely contain herself she was so excited and those were the first things she mentioned when we got home. And they were huge, it makes me a little nervous about all the time we spent swimming in the local lakes when we were kids.
The biggest reason Kinsley wanted to go to the aquarium was to see the sharks.
She talked all day long about seeing the sharks and when we first walked up to that giant tank she was speechless. Her sister didn't share the quiet amazement, she screamed. And cried. The poor tiny was terrified of the sharks and wouldn't go near the tank.
The aquarium has the shark tank set up where you can walk through a tunnel and be surrounded by the sharks, they can even swim overhead. Of course we had to go through the tunnel for Kinsley's sake but poor Kaitlyn just hid her face and cried. Needless to say we walked through pretty quickly.
They both enjoyed playing in the dive cage though.
It was a great trip and I can't wait for their new exibits to open so we can go back again. Though I think I'll take a helper along next time just to make it a bit easier.