Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stopping Time


Oh how I wish I could make time stand still. These little ones of ours are growing up so fast and I fear that one day I will forget all the things that make them so uniquely them at this very moment.

Kinsley inventing games like “Squibby and the Blue Mermaid” and teaching her sister how to jump on the bed. Kaitlyn’s cheesy grin she does when she is so proud of herself for mastering something new and for you understanding just exactly what she’s telling you. The way Kinsley wrinkles her nose when she is concentrating on her drawing or how she still doesn’t like to have her hair rinsed under the faucet. The way Kaitlyn throws herself into you when she’s giving you a big hug or the fact that when I pick her up she pats me just like I do her. Holding hands with Kinsley when she crawls into bed with me in the early morning and hearing Kaitlyn yelling “Sissy where YOU?” whenever her sister gets out of her sight for even a second.

These are the moments I want to hold onto forever. Some days I wish I could have a camera following us around all day long so that these moments are never lost.

Kait 4

Dec zoo trip Pic 4



Dec zoo trip Pic 2

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