Thursday, October 25, 2012

Goodnight Four

Tonight when I tucked this little girl into bed she was only four years old.  Yet somehow when she wakes tomorrow she will be year older.  Of course I realize that only one night will have passed but that doesn't really matter does it.  Time certainly does seem to go by that quickly when your babies are small.  I often find myself staring at her wondering how she grew so quickly right under our noses.  I am often in awe of her and the old soul that she possesses, wise beyond her years indeed.  That seems like such a strange thing to say about someone so young, but those that know her understand.

Goodnight Four

This evening we made a quick trip to her very favorite place.  The weather was freezing and we weren't all quite well but she just knew that she had to see it one more time as a four year old.  And so we bundled up and braved the chill for a bit so she could soak up the last bits of sunlight on the very last day of being four years old.  I can't wait to see what adventures await her over this next year, and I feel so lucky to be along for the ride.

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