Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Lego Doctor

Lego Doctor 7

Not that you haven't already realized this, but Legos play a huge role in play time at our house.  I know that there is often debate in Waldorf circles about whether or not Legos are appropriate in a Waldorf environment, but we've never claimed to be "purists" by any means.  While we do strive to surround ourselves with beautiful handmade (and typically wooden or natural material) toys, there are certainly exceptions to that rule for us.  Legos are definitely something we've made an exception for.  We ALL love Lego here.  I have fond memories of building with them as a child, and one not so fond memory of a little boy destroying the Lego castle I had taken to show and tell in kindergarten.  Ahem.  

I was thrilled when Kinsley took an interest in Lego sets and I love watching her imagination run wild when she is creating.  She has numerous sets that she has been gifted over the past couple of years and while she enjoys putting those creations together, it is most interesting to me when she breaks away from the build plans and pulls out the loose bricks to create something of her own design.  

Yesterday evening she spent a couple hours creating this revolutionary new hospital that sees both animals and people.  Though I was just corrected that it is a "veterinarian and person doctor in the same place"...I'm pretty sure that's what I said but evidently leaving out the word veterinarian was my undoing.  Sorry.  

While this isn't one of the biggest creations she ever made, what intrigues me about it is how specific she is about each little section.  Let me give you the grand tour I was given.  

Lego Doctor 4
This is the main entrance.  You'll notice there are two doors, an automatic door for the animals and a standard door on the right for people to enter through.  Obviously horses can't open doors so this feature was a must.  

Lego Doctor 3
Here you'll find the main waiting room just outside of the registration area.  Nice comfy seats at different heights to make it easier on everyone.  

Lego Doctor 9
This small office is the dental clinic with a nice comfy table and a goodie basket for the patients that were very good.  

Lego Doctor 8
Here you can see the x-ray lab which is thankfully large enough for even horses to be checked out.  It can also double as a triage room I'm told.  Just to the right you can see the registration window.  

Lego Doctor 2
This is an additional waiting area that comes with a box stocked with lots of toys and books to read while you're waiting.  

Lego Doctor 5
Here you can see the two exam rooms they offer.  There is a room for animals and one for people with special doctors for each one.  

Lego Doctor 6

The doctor certainly seems happy to be working at such an amazing hospital doesn't he?  How could he not with such a fun setup.  This is exactly why Legos are not only allowed, but encouraged in our home.  They are a terrifically open-ended and imaginative toy for children and adults alike.  I'm not going to lie, there are some fantastic sets that have me thinking maybe I need to start playing with Legos again too.


  1. LEGO is for everyone! I think even Rudolf Steiner himself would approve :) I love her little hospital. You need to get her in a LEGO club!

  2. Yes we do! There is a Lego club nearby but it doesn't start until a bit older than she is. We definitely will when she's old enough though.
