Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Recital 7

Recital 9

With dance season ending earlier this month with a long anticipated recital we are thoroughly enjoying summer break.  While my two tiny dancers are happy to have a bit of a break they are already talking about the start of a new dance season this Fall.  They really love to dance.  A lot.  

This was an especially big moment for our newest ballerina, her very first recital!  All year long she'd ask if it was "cital time" yet and so when we finally got to say yes she was beyond happy.  I wondered how she'd do once she was really going to be out on the big stage with all the bright lights, of course I worried for nothing.  Kait handled recital the way she does most anything else, with an overwhelming amount of enthusiasm and confidence.  She was beaming as she walked off stage after her first performance and now she's hooked.  That is a proud face.  

Recital 10

Recital 14

Recital 17

Recital 2

Even though this might be Kinsley's third recital she was still a bit anxious as she waited back stage.  It's the perfectionist in her coming out and causing the worry that something might go wrong.  But once she's on stage and that curtain opens it's amazing to watch her transform into a performer.  She is fully in the moment and it is amazing to watch.  She insists she is going to be a professional ballerina when she grows up and with the dedication she is already showing it wouldn't surprise me one bit if she did.  This girl loves being a dancer.  

Recital 3

Recital 16

Recital 5

We are so proud of our girls (and all the girls at the studio) for all the hard work they put in this year, and thankful for their instructor who makes dancing such a great experience for them.  While we are still having many dance performances at home and are excitedly waiting for the video of the recital to arrive, I'm glad for a bit of a summer break and all that brings with it. 

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