Wednesday, July 29, 2009
In Memory

Monday, July 27, 2009
Terrible Two's Already? Who Me?

I wake to the sound of Mommy! Mooooommmmy! I lay in bed hoping maybe she’ll decide to go back to sleep. Mommy where ared you? (I cannot convince her there is no ‘d’ in the word are, besides its pretty cute) Mommy amir! Come here for those of you that don’t speak her language. She’s turned in to quite the bossy little thing too. At this point I realize we’re not sleeping in and I trudge into her room and am greeted with Mommy I scream. Yes baby I heard you, I sigh as we shuffle to the living room for cartoons. Mommy, I eat. Okay, what do you want for breakfast? Butter jelly. At which point I go to the kitchen to make said pb&j to which she responds Nooooooo Mommy, eggies. So I actually make scrambled eggs while eating the pb&j myself. Of course when the eggs are finished her response is Noooooo Mommy, green beans. So we have green beans and chocolate milk for breakfast. Fine.
The rest of our day doesn’t fair much better. She doesn’t like any of her toys, none of the food I offer or any of my ideas for activities (especially nap time). I offer to go outside and play which is normally her favorite thing in the entire world and receive a “no way” in response. So we manage to find enough indoor activities to occupy us until the absolute heat of the day when she decides we must go outside immediately. Ugh.
I’m not sure where my sweet little agreeable baby went to, but I’d like her back. I keep telling the hubby maybe she’s getting new teeth or maybe she is just tired but its dragging on long enough now that I fear it may be much worse. I think we are beginning to get a glimpse of those “terrible twos” all new parents are warned of. I’m afraid. Very afraid. Hubby reminds me, she is almost two now. Great. Leave it to my considerate little girl to want to ease us into her terrible twos by starting out early. How very sweet of her I think as I wonder what it would take for my mother to let her move in down there for a little while. Just as I’m considering getting her suitcase out of the closet, she runs up giving me an unprompted kiss followed by I wuv you mommy. Maybe we’ll make it after all.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Happy Birthday Nana

Friday, July 24, 2009
Please Remember You Are Beautiful

I asked her if she knew she was beautiful and with the most precious grin she looks up and simply says “I know”; then she leans over and lays her head on my arm. The joy of pure innocence. Oh how I wish these days would never end. Many days I find myself thinking “I can’t wait until…” and have to stop myself. I’ve realized lately that there is nothing better than the moment we are in right now. Time goes by so quickly.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Check out this great giveaway!
We do a lot of reading here at our house and the Sweet Pea already has a shelf full of books. We've been reading to her since before she was born and she loves books as much as I do. It's so important to start reading early in life.
Best of luck with the contest! I'm headed over to enter right now.
Ice Cold...Onions?
First thing you do is wash and peel the onions. Then just chop them into the size you use most often when cooking. Typically I will dice mine pretty small because I don’t care to bite into a huge chunk of onion when I’m eating. Obviously this is purely a personal choice.

Once they are completely frozen, I just measure out the amount I want and put them in my Foodsaver bags. I measured out ½ cup for each of my bags since that seems to be the amount my recipes call for most often. Doesn’t that look nice and handy? Now whenever I’m making spaghetti or tacos I can just grab a pre-measured bag out of the freezer and I’m ready to go.

We’re also starting to have an abundance of jalapeño peppers, so now all I need is for my tomatoes to take off and to find a great salsa recipe. Any suggestions? If you have a tried and true salsa recipe I'd love to hear it.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Hot Cobbler and Cold Ice Cream
How completely yummy does that look? It came together in no time at all and was super easy to make. My grandmother gave me this blackberry cobbler recipe. Seriously, its the easiest dessert ever.
In a large bowl mix 2-3 tsp of cornstarch with 1 cup of sugar
Stir in 4 cups of berries
Let sit until berries start to absorb sugar
Pour into casserole dish and dot with butter or margarine
Then cover with pie crust and sprinkle sugar over the top
Bake at 350 degrees until crust is light golden brown
Top with vanilla ice cream and enjoy!
You can use a storebought crust but I almost always make mine from scratch. I have a hard time paying two dollars for pie crust when I can make one in no time for a fraction of the cost. Plus homemade crust is just so much better. Also, you don't have to use cornstarch. It just depends on how juicy you want your cobbler to be. I don't always use it because I like to just pour the juice over the icecream. Mmmmm...
Monday, July 20, 2009
Happy Gardener

We paired it with some pink gardening tools, pink gloves and some flower seeds and it was ready to go. The Sweet Pea really loved it so now I need to make one for her too.
Just a short post today, we've mostly spent the day being lazy and trying to recover from our weekend. Maybe now that it's cooling off this evening we'll get something accomplished.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
What Did You Learn This Weekend?
The hubby learned that I am a domestic goddess. Seriously, it’s not that funny. My friend Cat was here and spent Friday evening going through all of my old blog posts amazed at the fact that I actually do all of the things that I do, especially the things like canning and actually going out in the woods to pick berries. Did I mention she’s from town? We then called to ask the hubby if he knew he wife was a domestic goddess and you can be sure he wouldn’t have been any more confused if we had called to tell him I had sprouted wings and flown away. Here’s how that went:
Me: Honey, did you know I was a domestic goddess
Silence on the other end…
Me: honey?
Him: Uh, have you been drinking?
Me: Ugh. No, I just wanted to see if you knew that I was a domestic goddess? You know because of all the cooking, cleaning, crafting type stuff I do. Because you know, not everyone’s wife does all of that.
Him: Really? (See this is where I was about ready to smack him upside the head). Well I didn’t know there was a term for it but yes, yes I did. Do you get to wear a sash or something?
Me: Oooh great idea. I think I’ll get a tiara too.
Him: Okay honey, have fun.
See I hadn’t ever thought of myself as one either, but since I’m not one to argue (no snide remarks thank you) I think I’ll run with it. Needless to say I have now added sash and tiara to my crafting list so don’t be surprised when you come to the house and see me wearing them while weeding the garden.
Cat learned that she definitely over packed for her trip up here to rural Oklahoma. She packed things like leopard print boots, flip flops with huge diamonds on them and a purse bigger than the suitcase I usually pack in. It was quite the culture shock for her but it made for some very interesting conversation between her and the hubby about urban development. Or rather the lack of urban development she felt has occurred here. We took her out on the four-wheeler, to a really backwoods BBQ birthday party and a good old country bar. I think it’s safe to say that she is glad to be back home in the “big city”.
I hope everyone else had a wonderful, insightful weekend.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Funny Frienships
She’s the one I can call any time of day for absolutely any reason. Bad day at work, fight with my family, car trouble, hilarious joke, great new song or needing to eat a food (sorry inside joke). She’s the first call I make. I called her when I was working at Dillards and an entire wall of handbags crashed down on me and I’m literally buried alive by purses. She laughed so hard she was nearly crying and didn’t even ask how it happened because she knows those things just happen to me. She knows this because those sorts of things happen to her as well.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Whew...I'm Back With Pickle & Jelly Update

They're also my favorite to look at in the jar. I just love the little mustard seeds floating around. It just makes me happy. It makes me especially happy to open my cabinet door and see this staring back at me.
Believe it or not we also managed to find the time to make some jelly. I'll have to tell you about that one later. But I will say that I've already dipped into it and it's drool worthy!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Off for the week
Happy Fourth

After the fruit tart fiasco I am pleased to announce that the other desserts all went according to plan and turned out to be absolutely delicious and were mostly devoured before dark. I did manage to have enough apple pie left for breakfast this morning. The breakfast of champions right?

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Firework Frenzy

See before I married my husband I did what I thought was the typical Fourth of July thing. We’d camp out at the lake which just happened to be where my grandmother’s family would have their annual reunion. Then after lunch we’d head into town to watch the big fireworks show and shoot off some of the fireworks we’d bought at a local stand. This is where I think the biggest difference between then and now comes in to play. Ever since I was a little girl we’d buy a few fireworks and shoot them off either in town at my grandparents (shh don’t tell) or we’d go out to the farm and do them there. We’d buy a little sack full and think we must have enough fireworks to last forever. We’d buy sparklers, roman candles, fountains and of course some Black Cats; your typical spread. While we were at the fireworks stand I’d see those huge boxes that promised to be as good as any professional show and think to myself who in the world actually spends that much money on fireworks and buys these things. Then I married my husband.
You see it wasn’t until after I got married that I was fully submerged into the redneck culture. Yes, I did just use the words culture and redneck in the same sentence. Go with me on this. Rednecks love the Fourth of July; it’s like Christmas for them. We’ve all heard the jokes about rednecks loving bass boats and fishing lures because they’re shiny. While that may be true, it’s not just shiny that gets them. It’s fire. Nothing gets a group of rednecks worked up like fire and explosions so a holiday that has become largely devoted to just that…Redneck heaven.
Okay before the hate mail starts coming in let me finish. And please point your roman candles the other direction. Thanks.
I don’t have anything against fireworks. In fact I like them as much as the next person. Well that may not be exactly true. I don’t think I hold a candle to anyone in this area. Around here, these people take their fireworks very seriously. I’m not kidding. Out here in our little rural community tonight you will see a fireworks show to rival any nearby big city. I happen to know that some of the residents here have personally spent more on their own fireworks than any of the neighboring towns did. Who needs to pay their bills anyway?
You can imagine the distress when we awoke this morning to pouring rain. I had to laugh a little bit but you can be sure I did it in secret. I'm sure no one else thought it was even slightly amusing. I walked into the livingroom this morning to see the Hubby and Sweet Pea both staring out the window at the rain looking pitiful. It was quite a sight. She loves the fireworks just as much as her daddy does. Thankfully the rain has moved on and everything is a go for this evening. Now I'm off for a nap. I have a feeling I’m going to need it.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Ever have one of these days?
I was going to make an apple pie but with this luck I really don't even want to think about how that might turn out. Oh well, cookies it is.
Running off to get frozen cookie dough out of freezer. *sigh
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I have internet!
My modem finally arrived today and now I have internet at the house! No more going to my SIL's just to get on the net! Woo Hoo!
*More Dancing
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Just a Little Dirt

Doesn't it just make you smile? There is nothing better than watching these two little ones having the time of their lives. Kids certainly have a way of finding joy in the simplest things.