Wednesday, October 13, 2010

One down...

Picture Frames 004, originally uploaded by RusticOkie.

Nine hundred to go. Okay so maybe not (although it feels like it) but I do have quite a long list of crafty-type projects to complete before a certain Princess has a party.

This was by far the easiest and quickest (which is why I started with it so I'd feel like I'm actually getting somewhere). Start with a collection of mismatched picture frames found at various yard sales. I paid $1 total for all these frames! Such a great deal.

Picture Frames 002

You wouldn't believe how hard it actually was to find some ugly textured frames though. I almost gave up, glad I didn't. Ready for how simple this is?

Take the glass and backings out of the frames and plop them down on something you don't mind painting. (I used an old rubbermaid)

Picture Frames 003

Add one can of spraypaint. I used Krylon, which was on sale at Hobby Lobby, in Watermelon. It's pink without being completely obnoxious.

Forget that you are the world's worst at spraypainting because really who sucks at spraypainting? Me, that's who. But I always forget that until I start to paint something. Oh well.

Let paint dry, replace glass and add pictures of really cute Princess.

Voila! Decorations fit for a Princess.

Picture Frames 005

Tonight: Adding tulle to storebought princess wands. Wow, am I crafty or what? Geez.


  1. I love you Amanda lol My idea of crafting lately is getting the construction paper, scissors, and glue stick out for Brennon and giving him a hand. I have soooo much to get done and my depression is kicking my behind :( I need some motivation!!!

  2. Jenni if I had any motivation I'd gladly send some your way. Obviously I'm lacking big time. I hope things turn around for soon. Hugs.

  3. At least we are both stuck together lol Too bad we don't live closer, the main reason I haven't done anything with the sewing machine is I am terrified I will screw everything up :P Have fun getting stuff for your princess's birthday party together!
