Saturday, October 26, 2013

Goodnight Five...

Today was the last day of my biggest girl being five years old.  Tomorrow when she wakes she will be six years old and insisting we measure her to see how much growing happened in her sleep.  Tomorrow she will have to use two hands to show how old she is rather than the one it took today.  Tomorrow she will be excited to open her "big girl presents" and blow out six candles on her birthday cake.

 But today, today she was still five.  Today we ate her favorite breakfast (cinnamon toast) and played her favorite games.  Today we snuggled together and talked about her plans for her last day of being five.  Her plans included lots of her favorite things, wanting to get them all in one last time as a five year old.  Of course that included a trip to the lake.  A birthday tradition she started all on her own, just wanting to soak in a last view of her favorite place before seeing it with the eyes of a six year old.  Will it look different to her the next time she sees it?  Perhaps.   Oh to see the world through such young and innocent eyes, what a blessing it is to see this world right along with her.  I want to hold onto these days forever, these days when putting on some good exploring clothes and heading to the lake is the most important thing in her world.

  Five 1

Five 2

Five 3

Goodnight five...I am awaiting what six will bring to us.

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